diversification of minds - conversation in processes
design for communities

Tokyo, 07.10 - 09.10 1999

10 09 pm<Mapping Relations>
Wendy Brawer, Modern Design, New York, USA

What is a Green Map?

A Green Map is a locally created map of the environment - both natural and built - that uses the Green Map System's global Icons to identify significant ecological and cultural sites. Each mapmaker creates a unique, fresh image of home that cultivates awareness and action towards community sustainability.

Green Maps guide residents and visitors to discover transportation options, healthy resources, green businesses, historical and natural sites, and helps them identify the underlying infrastructure and challenging toxic hot spots. The Icons promote and link each site, encouraging personal involvement and enjoyment of nature near home. Each Green Map features dozens of well-designed sustainability projects and spreads successful greening initiatives from city to city.

Around the world, many different kinds and scales of Green Maps are being produced by people of all ages and backgrounds. More than 100 urban places in 30 countries have maps in progress. To date, 25 printed and web-based Green Maps have been published. One of the most beautiful was designed in Kyoto by the Tennen Design Forum in 1997 -- it was also the first Green Map in Asia. The newest Green Map features the Kaminoge neighborhood in Setagaya-ku. It was created especially for vision plus 7. Like so many Green Maps, this one is designed as the beginning of a series, with subsequent views to show more themes, areas and green sites in the future.

The Green Map System promotes a wide range of creative strategies and skills that help urban dwellers exercise responsible leadership and take direct action towards more healthy and thriving environments. Our global network brings mapmakers together to share methodologies and philosophies, along with our iconography. Please view our web site, www.greenmap.org. to find our more about our eco-cultural collaboration, and how Green Maps use the info-web in celebration of the web of life.

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