diversification of minds - conversation in processes
design for communities

Tokyo, 07.10 - 09.10 1999

thursday, 10 07
<information design strategies>

08:00 opening of registration desk

09:30 welcome

peter simlinger, IIID, vienna, austria
yukio ota, tama art university, tokyo, japan

- 13:00

<concepts of information design strategies>
moderated by tomomi tsubota, nihon keizai shinbun inc, tokyo, japan

<information design & the cult of neutrality>
loretta staples, u dot i, ann arbor, usa

<knowledge farming - laboratory of organic information matter>
yuzuru tanaka, hokkaido university, sapporo, japan

<designing value-added services in e-commerce>
noriyoshi osumi, NTT-communications, los altos, usa

- 14:30

lunch break

- 18:00

<case studies of information design strategies>
moderated by nahm-sik lee, IDAS, seoul, korea

<project XXX>
bill moggridge, IDEO, san francisco, usa

<project YYY>
charly frech, metadesign, berlin, germany

<project ZZZ>
liz sanders, sonicrim, lafayette, usa

18:30open air party

friday, 10 08
<information design interfaces>

08:00 opening of registration desk

- 13:00

<models for new information design interfaces>
moderated by takeshi sunaga, tama art university, tokyo, japan

<III - intelligent information interfaces for communities>
job rutgers, phillips design, eindhoven, the netherlands

<advanced interface research at IIT>
patrick whitney, illinois institute of technology, chicago, usa

<invisible interfaces>
bill verplank, interval research, palo alto, usa

- 14:30

lunch break

- 18:00

<case studies of information design interfaces>
moderated by lynn shade, adobe systems, palo alto, usa

<project XXX>
maria giudice, HOT, san francisco, usa

<project YYY>
izumi tanaka, softdevice, tokyo, japan

<project ZZZ>
lynn shade, adobe systems, palo alto, usa

18:30open program

saturday, 10 09
<information design environments>

08:00 opening of registration desk

- 13:00

moderated by shin mizukoshi, tokyo university, tokyo, japan

<with their own hands: vernacular public design>
joachim mueller lance, san francisco, usa

<beyond environments of 'paper media'>
akio nakamata, book & computer, japan

<digital information, some thoughts for consideration>
akihiko seki, digital islands, malaysia

- 14:30

lunch break

- 18:00

<mapping relations>
moderated by masahiro horiuchi, tama art university, tokyo, japan

<figures of co - existence: communication and community>
mikio wakabayashi, tsukuba university, tsukuba, japan

<mapping of exchange within communities>
masaru kataoka, citizen's bank, tokyo, japan

<greenmap- mapping access to community resources>
wendy brawer, modern world design, new york, usa

18:30farewell party
